Thursday 8 July 2010

U2 - 57
The music video genre is hip-hop/RnB. We found the music video quite boring as noting happened other than people turning around and taking sunglasses off and putting them back on. On the other hand the lip syncing was very precise and fit perfectly.
The hip-hop/RnB genre characterisics were not really met as the action of the girls wasn't very typical of this genre.
Also more could've been done to sell the artist as there wasn't much focus on the singer during the song, and he didn't show off the rest of his body which is a typical aspect of this genre.
The backdrop fitted the music and lyrics, but apart from that nothing else in the video fitted the music or lyrics.
We could improve the video by showing off more of the singer and selling the artisc in more locations.

Voyeurism - Close ups of the main singer and other girls.
Genre Characteristics - Matched the real video, like the effects where it fades in and out. you expect to see the main singer who is usually a man. They used sunglasses which is a characteristic of rnb music.
Visuals/Music - The music matched the beat and tempo
Visuals/Lyrics - The song mentions stars in the lyrics, and in the background they have stars put up on the wall.
intertextuality - there is no intertextualiy.
Need to sell the artist - ......

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